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Fencing Installation Cost & Prices 2023

Garden fencing is one of the unsung costs of maintaining a home. Not only are fences essential for the security and privacy of the garden and house, but they also have their own aesthetic qualities. 

This article will cover the costs involved in installing a ground source heat pump, factors affecting the cost and other common questions around installing a ground source heat pump.

Average Installation Cost 

The following prices, collected from 6 primary sources and 8 secondary sources, show the average all-in price of fencing including installation, fence posts and gravel boards. 

Cost of Fencing Per PanelPer 6 x 3ft Section Per 6 x 6ft SectionPer 36ft Fence Total Width (6ft Tall Installation)
Closeboard Fencing£70 to £90£90 to £125£540 to £750
Palisade or Picket Fencing£50 to £75£80 to £105£480 to £630
Weave Fencing£65 to £115£90 to £150£480 to £630
Chain Link/Wire Fencing£25 to £35£55 to £65£330 to £390
Trellis Fencing£70 to £90£90 to £125£450 to £900

Installing some types of fences like palisade or picket fences is easier than installing closeboard fencing or trellis fencing. For proper closeboard fences, which are the most popular types of fences, professional installation ensures a sturdy, even and tight fit. 

Professional fencers will also account for any odd angles and slopes in your garden and can cut fences down to size if required. 

Costs will be higher where higher-end fencing is selected in combination with sloped gardens. There will be additional costs for clearing the garden and clearing old fences. 

Any heavy foliage like trees or dense shrubs will incur additional costs if they have to be removed to gain access to the fence. It’s best to start with a plain, cleared garden. 

Average Supply Cost

These are the average prices for various types of fence panels based on standard sizes. Prices will vary with higher-end options, but these figures give a rough estimate of standard fences at retail prices.

Cost of Fencing Per Panel6 x 3ft6 x 4ft 6 x 6ft 
Closeboard Fencing£15 to £20£20 to £25£30 to £50
Palisade or Picket Fencing£10 to £35£15 to £45£25 to £75
Weave Fencing £20 to £30£30 to £50 £65 to £100
Chain Link/Wire Fencing£5 to £10£10 to £15£10 to £20
Trellis Fencing£15 to £25£25 to £30£40 to £75

Fences: What Else Do You Need?

The fence panels themselves are not the only component of a fence. There are two other main components to think about:

  • Fence posts
  • Gravel boards

Fence posts are what the fence panels attach to. They’re buried in the ground and are usually concreted into place. The fence panel, palisade or other types of fence then connects between the posts. 

Gravel boards are what fence panels rest on. The panel itself shouldn’t be entrenched into the ground as it will rot and erode. Instead, it has to sit on a gravel board which raises it from the earth and protects it from water damage and erosion. Gravel boards also keep fences level and make it easier to adjust the height of a fence, keeping them straight for sloped gardens. 

Gravel boards and fence posts are made from either concrete or wood. 

Here are the average costs of typical fence posts and gravel boards. You’ll need one gravel board and fence post per panel, for a paneled fence at least. 

  Wood Concrete 
Fence Post £15 to £30 £20 to £30
Gravel Board £10 to £15 £20 to £30

Types of Fencing

There are many types of garden fencing, however, the big five are:

  • Closeboard fencing or other solid panel fences
  • Palisade or picket fencing
  • Trellis fencing 
  • Chain link/wire fencing 
  • Weave fencing 

You will see other types of fencing marketed, like hit or miss fencing, jaktop fencing, slatted, Venetian fencing and even steel or PVC paneled fencing. 

Closeboard Fencing

Also known as featherboard fencing, these are probably the most common wooden fencing panels that you’ll spot across the UK. They’re durable, neat and attractive and aren’t too expensive. Like most fence panels, closeboard fencing is usually 6ft across (1.8m) and either 4ft or 6ft tall. 

Pros of Closeboard Fencing

  • Durable and strong
  • Easy to stain for weatherproofness (usually pre-stained/dipped)
  • Ubiquitous and easy to obtain 
  • Neat and attractive 

Cons of Closeboard Fencing

  • Heavy and cumbersome to install
  • Don’t allow light through 

Palisade or Picket Fencing 

Palisade or picket fencing is classic, cheap and comes in many shapes, sizes and varieties. Picket fences allow plenty of light and vegetation through and are a great option for when privacy nor security is a major concern for that particular boundary. Jaktop fencing is similar to palisade fencing but is crisscrossed rather than straight. Post and rail fencing is also similar and is popular for very long boundaries. 

Pros of Palisade or Picket Fencing

  • Simple and easy to install 
  • Lots of different varieties, shapes and sizes
  • Allows light and vegetation to pass through 
  • Cheap to buy and maintain 

Cons of Palisade or Picket Fencing

  • Not particularly secure unless tall with small gaps
  • Low privacy

Trellis Fencing

Trellis fencing has crisscrossing slats which act as a trellis. This is perfect for growing vine and creeper plants, but will also let light through. An excellent great-looking choice that combines aesthetics and privacy. 

Pros of Trellis Fencing

  • Lots of different types available 
  • Lets light through 
  • Cheap and lightweight
  • Excellent for training vines up 

Cons of Trellis Fencing

  • Less durable than some options
  • Low privacy

Chain Link/Wire Fencing 

Chain link or wire fencing is very common, particularly where a solid fence is not required and visibility is blocked by shrubs and foliage instead. Chain link or wire fencing is very cheap to erect and maintain and can be easily covered with plants, trees and shrubs. Common in bigger gardens.

Pros of Chain/Wire Fencing

  • Cheap and easy to maintain 
  • Allows light through whilst remaining secure 
  • Easy to cover with foliage
  • Great for larger gardens

Cons Chain/Wire Fencing

  • Not as secure or private as solid fencing 
  • Low aesthetic appeal 

Weave Fencing

Weave fencing is one of the most attractive forms of fencing. Hazel, birchwood and willow are the three most common types of wood used in weave fencing. It can be a little more pricey than other fencing panels, but offers a great combination between design aesthetics, durability and privacy. 

Pros of Weave Fencing 

  • Looks natural and organic
  • Strong and durable 
  • Choice of different woods 
  • Easy to cover with foliage

Cons of Weave Fencing

  • Amongst the most expensive panels 
  • Less durable than other solid panel options 

Get Pricing on Fence Installations Near You

We’ve done our best to give you a good idea of what you can expect to pay for a professional fence installation.

However, our guides are not a substitute for a fixed quote specifically for you.

We work with all the best fence installers ready to price your job. Get free, no-obligation quotes in your local area and compare prices using the form below.

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About the Author

Alex Johnson is a qualified quantity surveyor and writer with a passion for conducting original research and uncovering the true cost of jobs. His cost data has been referenced by EDF Energy and the Scottish Government.